Company Name |
A Time Imperfect |
Contact Name |
Imperfect |
Business Phone |
915-474-3925 |
Fax |
- |
Website |
Address |
8888 Dyer Street
El Paso, TX,
79904 |
Mobile Phone |
344-845-2464 |
Business Overview |
The Scarlett Uprising was founded by Brandon Bloxdorf in El Paso, Texas in the summer of 2007. Brandon had been learning bass for a year, and decided to start a band. He recruited a close friend Cory Dewitt, to be his guitarist. Cory had been playing guitar for five years, and the two began working on ideas for their future band. Brandon had become friends with another bassist, Mike Carmelo. At first, they wanted a drummer, and Mike had mentioned that he wanted to play the drums. But it was decided that since Mike had gotten a new guitar, that he would be the guitarist and singer of Scarlett Uprsing. The band had become Brandon on bass, Cory on guitar, and Mike to play guitar and sing. The three began working on songs, but they still needed someone to fill the slot of a drummer. Brandon posted a request on his schools myspace, and it was soon answered by soon to be drummer Patrick Doran. Patrick lived in Oklahoma at the time, and had only been playing drums for 6 months and had never been in a band, but Scarlett was willing to give him a shot at being their drummer. Cory, Brandon and Mike began working on a song that they were to finish by the time Patrick moved to El Paso. During this time, Brandon and Mike had the first thought that mabey Cory wasnt clicking in the band, but this thought was discarded when Patrick finally arrived in El Paso. Soon the band began practiceing, mostly at Cory Dewitts house, but soon Patrick's house was found more confertable. More so, tension soon rose again between Cory and the rest of the band. Cory was called a week before their first show, and was talked to about this problem. Cory agreed to shapen up, and the band stayed together for the time being. |

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